
The main reason you are getting a hangover and the drinks that could help you escape worst effects

Hangovers can be painful enough to encourage vows never to drink again and make you wish you never went out in the first place.

The severity of a hangover varies from person to person, but symptoms usually include a headache, nausea, tiredness and dehydration.

One of the main causes of discomfort during a hangover is dehydration, which causes other symptoms.

Days can be lost to a hangover as it can leave you feeling irritable and sensitive to light.

The main reason you are getting a hangover and the drinks that could help you escape worst effects

How to prevent a hangover

To avoid the recurrence of hangovers, keep track of what you're drinking and stay within the low-risk drinking guidelines by not exceeding more than 14 units of alcohol per week.

Spreading your drinks out evenly over the course of the week is also a good way to prevent a hangover.

Knowing the number of units of alcohol per drink will also allow you to make informed decisions while out to prevent a hangover.

However, opting for drinks at the top of the list, which has fewer units of alcohol, isn't always the best option to avoid a hangover as you can drink them quickly and then buy more.

If you choose a drink with more units, take your time and don't rush it into you.

Other helpful tips to avoid a hangover include:

How can you cure a hangover?
